The Digital PM Summit is full of learning and networking opportunities that will impact your career and affect how you do your job. Plus, your organization will see the benefits of your participation when you return refreshed with new practices and ideas.

You get it, but how do you convince your boss to send you? First, you've got to explain what makes the Digital PM Summit unique and worthwhile. Here are three of the top reasons:

  1. The Digital PM Summit offers sessions and content that will make an immediate impact on how you think about (and execute) digital project management. Whether you need to find better ways to implement Agile practices, work with internal stakeholders, or talk about money, the Summit has you covered. So, do your research on the agenda and chart your course. Pick the sessions that will help you most and talk to your boss about how attending these sessions will help not only you, but your company as well.

  2. The Digital PM Summit offers the opportunity to learn from a variety of DPMs from a variety of backgrounds. Other attendees are from leading agencies, corporations, and nonprofits from around the globe like Hasbro, Groupon, University of Texas Austin, Four Kitchens, Lullabot, and many more. And, the agenda offers plenty of formal opportunities to engage in discussions to learn from others’ experiences and practices on topics related to methodologies, tools, and so much more.

  3. Come for the event, stay for the community. On top of learning from an audience full of smart folks, you’ll have the chance to meet people from your area and build a local network. That’s right: our regional breakout sessions will afford you the opportunity to meet DPMs and leaders from your area so you can take the time to extend your professional network at home and beyond. Plus, every attendee will be added to our existing Slack community for digital PMs, so the conversations extend beyond our time together.

There are a ton of benefits to attending the Digital PM Summit, but only you can zero in on the most impactful ones and communicate them to your boss. You might want to start with an email that details the reasons you should attend. Lucky for you, we created a draft email template below that you can use to help them make a quick decision so you can register today.

Give it a shot, and hopefully we’ll see you at the M Resort in Las Vegas, October 15-17--and maybe even at the Digital PM Workshop on October 18.

Copy and paste this email and edit it to fit your best argument to convince your boss to send you to the Digital PM Summit 2017.

Dear <Supervisor>,

The Digital PM Summit, which is the biggest professional conference for people who manage digital projects, is taking place October 15-17, and I really think I’d benefit from attending. I know that making budgetary decisions around employee professional development can be tough, but I do think the investment in sending me to the Digital PM Summit would pay off. Based on the agenda, the topics presented will help me:

  • Make better financial decisions on projects

  • Frame challenges and problems in new ways to improve collaboration and communication

  • Better set and manage team and client expectations

  • Approach agile with our agency team

  • Better think on my feet and resolve communication challenges quickly

  • Be a better all-around co-worker and employee

  • Bolster our projects discovery process

  • Level-up my management skills

The Bureau of Digital, the company who hosts the Digital PM Summit, focus on community, so they will also provide a lot of networking opportunities that I’d like to take advantage of as well. Meeting my industry peers and building my network will provide me with future opportunities to ask for advice, stay engaged in conversations about best practices and my role, participate in local meet ups, among other activities. Plus, the price of admission includes a membership in a community-wide Slack account with current and previous attendees, so I’ll be able to check in and get advice on an ongoing basis. I’m really seeing this as a way to learn and grow in my career.

The cost to attend the conference will be $____, which includes the registration fee, travel expenses, hotel, and a meal per diem. The detailed cost breakdown is listed below:

Conference Fee: $1,099
Transportation to and from Hotel: Free shuttle service to and from the airport to the M Resort
Hotel: $160/night + tax
Meals: Breakfast and lunch are included on the 2 conference days

I hope you see this as a worthwhile investment. It is an opportunity for me to network with industry peers, meet and engage with the people who are defining standards for digital project management, attend valuable educational sessions, and gain specific industry knowledge. I can assure you that the investment will pay off for years to come.

Your Favorite DPM

